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path D3Events-store.proto

package network_monitor_store



Message containing the ARP packet header

ether_idbytesThe Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit)
ar_hrduint32The APR packet format of hardware address (16 bit)
ar_prouint32The ARP packet format of protocol address (16 bit)
ar_hlnuint32The ARP packet length of hardware address (8 bit)
ar_plnuint32The ARP packet length of protocol address (8 bit)
ar_opuint32The ARP packet opcode command (16 bit)
arp_shauint64The ARP packet sender hardware address (48 bit)
arp_spauint32The ARP packet sender protocol address (32 bit)
arp_thauint64The ARP packet target hardware address (48 bit)
arp_tpauint32The ARP packet target protocol address (32 bit)


Message containing the DHCP packet header

ether_idbytesThe Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit)
opuint32The DHCP packet packet type (8 bit)
htypeuint32The DHCP packet type of hardware address for this machine (8 bit)
hlenuint32The DHCP packet length of hardware address of this machine (8 bit)
hopsuint32The DHCP packet hops (8 bit)
xiduint32The DHCP packet random transaction id number - chosen by this machine (32 bit)
secsuint32The DHCP packet seconds used in timing (16 bit)
flagsuint32The DHCP packet flags (16 bit)
ciaddruint32The DHCP packet IP address of this machine - if there's already one (32 bit)
yiaddruint32The DHCP packet IP address of this machine offered by the DHCP server (32 bit)
siaddruint32The DHCP packet IP address of DHCP server (32 bit)
giaddruint32The DHCP packet IP address of DHCP relay (32 bit)


Message containing the DNS packet header

ether_idbytesThe Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit)
tiduint32The DNS packet transaction ID (16 bit)
flagsuint32The DNS packet flags (16 bit)
nqueriesuint32The DNS packet questions (16 bit)
nanswersuint32The DNS packet answers (16 bit)
nauthuint32The DNS packet authority PRs (16 bit)
notheruint32The DNS packet other PRs (16 bit)
qnamestringThe DNS packet question name (variable length string)


Message containing the Ethernet packet header

ether_idbytesThe Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit)
timestampuint64The Ethernet packet timestamp (64 bit)
ether_dhostuint64The Ethernet packet destination MAC address (48 bit)
ether_shostuint64The Ethernet packet source MAC address (48 bit)
ether_typeuint32The Ethernet packet packet type ID field (16 bit)


Message containing the IP4 packet header

ether_idbytesThe Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit)
ip_srcuint32The IP4 packet source address (32 bit)
ip_dstuint32The IP4 packet dest address (32 bit)
ip_hluint32The IP4 packet header length (8 bit)
ip_vuint32The IP4 packet version (8 bit)
ip_tosuint32The IP4 packet type of service (8 bit)
ip_lenuint32The IP4 packet total length (16 bit)
ip_iduint32The IP4 packet identification (16 bit)
ip_offuint32The IP4 packet fragment offset field (16 bit)
ip_ttluint32The IP4 packet time to live (8 bit)
ip_puint32The IP4 packet protocol (8 bit)
ip_sumuint32The IP4 poacket checksum (16 bit)


Message containing the IP6 packet header

ether_idbytesThe Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit)
ip6_un1_flowuint32The IP6 packet 4 bits version, 8 bits TC, 20 bits flow-ID (32 bit)
ip6_un1_plenuint32The IP6 packet payload length (16 bit)
ip6_un1_nxtuint32The IP6 packet next header (8 bit)
ip6_un1_hlimuint32The IP6 packet hop limit (8 bit)
ip6_un2_vfcuint32The IP6 packet 4 bits version, top 4 bits tclass (8 bit)
ip6_srcbytesThe IP6 packet source address (128 bit)
ip6_dstbytesThe IP6 packet destination address (128 bits)


Message containing the ICMP4 packet header

ether_idbytesThe Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit)
typeuint32The ICMP4 packet message type (8 bit)
codeuint32The ICMP4 packet type sub-code (8 bit)
checksumuint32The ICMP4 packet checksum (16 bit)
gatewayuint32The ICMP4 packet gateway address (32 bit)


Message containing the ICMP6 packet header

ether_idbytesThe Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit)
icmp6_typeuint32The ICMP6 packet type (8 bit)
icmp6_codeuint32The ICMP6 packet code (8 bit)
icmp6_chksumuint32The ICMP6 packet checksum (16 bit)
icmp6_un_data32uint32The ICMP6 packet type-specific (32 bit)


Message containing the TCP packet header

ether_idbytesThe Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit)
sourceuint32The TCP packet source port (16 bit)
destuint32The TCP packet destination port (16 bit)
sequint32The TCP packet seq flag (32 bit)
ack_sequint32The TCP packet ack_seq flag (32 bit)
res1uint32The TCP packet res1 flag (16 bit)
doffuint32The TCP packet doff flag (16 bit)
finuint32The TCP packet fin flag (16 bit)
synuint32The TCP packet syn flag (16 bit)
rstuint32The TCP packet rst flag (16 bit)
pshuint32The TCP packet psh flag (16 bit)
ackuint32The TCP packet ack flag (16 bit)
urguint32The TCP packet urg flag (16 bit)
windowuint32The TCP packet window (16 bit)
check_puint32The TCP packet check (16 bit)
urg_ptruint32The TCP packet urg_ptr (16 bit)


Message containing the UDP packet header

ether_idbytesThe Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit)
sourceuint32The UDP packet source port (16 bit)
destuint32The UDP packet destination port (16 bit)
lenuint32The UDP packet udp length (16 bit)
check_puint32Packet udp checksum (16 bit)


Message containing the mDNS packet header

ether_idbytesThe Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit)
tiduint32The mDNS packet transaction ID (16 bit)
flagsuint32The mDNS packet flags (16 bit)
nqueriesuint32The mDNS packet questions (16 bit)
nanswersuint32The mDNS packet answers (16 bit)
nauthuint32The mDNS packet authority PRs (16 bit)
notheruint32The mDNS packet other PRs (16 bit)
qnamestringThe mDNS packet question name (variable length string)