path D3Events-store.proto
package network_monitor_store
Message containing the ARP packet header
Name | Type | Description |
ether_id | bytes | The Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit) |
ar_hrd | uint32 | The APR packet format of hardware address (16 bit) |
ar_pro | uint32 | The ARP packet format of protocol address (16 bit) |
ar_hln | uint32 | The ARP packet length of hardware address (8 bit) |
ar_pln | uint32 | The ARP packet length of protocol address (8 bit) |
ar_op | uint32 | The ARP packet opcode command (16 bit) |
arp_sha | uint64 | The ARP packet sender hardware address (48 bit) |
arp_spa | uint32 | The ARP packet sender protocol address (32 bit) |
arp_tha | uint64 | The ARP packet target hardware address (48 bit) |
arp_tpa | uint32 | The ARP packet target protocol address (32 bit) |
Message containing the DHCP packet header
Name | Type | Description |
ether_id | bytes | The Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit) |
op | uint32 | The DHCP packet packet type (8 bit) |
htype | uint32 | The DHCP packet type of hardware address for this machine (8 bit) |
hlen | uint32 | The DHCP packet length of hardware address of this machine (8 bit) |
hops | uint32 | The DHCP packet hops (8 bit) |
xid | uint32 | The DHCP packet random transaction id number - chosen by this machine (32 bit) |
secs | uint32 | The DHCP packet seconds used in timing (16 bit) |
flags | uint32 | The DHCP packet flags (16 bit) |
ciaddr | uint32 | The DHCP packet IP address of this machine - if there's already one (32 bit) |
yiaddr | uint32 | The DHCP packet IP address of this machine offered by the DHCP server (32 bit) |
siaddr | uint32 | The DHCP packet IP address of DHCP server (32 bit) |
giaddr | uint32 | The DHCP packet IP address of DHCP relay (32 bit) |
Message containing the DNS packet header
Name | Type | Description |
ether_id | bytes | The Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit) |
tid | uint32 | The DNS packet transaction ID (16 bit) |
flags | uint32 | The DNS packet flags (16 bit) |
nqueries | uint32 | The DNS packet questions (16 bit) |
nanswers | uint32 | The DNS packet answers (16 bit) |
nauth | uint32 | The DNS packet authority PRs (16 bit) |
nother | uint32 | The DNS packet other PRs (16 bit) |
qname | string | The DNS packet question name (variable length string) |
Message containing the Ethernet packet header
Name | Type | Description |
ether_id | bytes | The Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit) |
timestamp | uint64 | The Ethernet packet timestamp (64 bit) |
ether_dhost | uint64 | The Ethernet packet destination MAC address (48 bit) |
ether_shost | uint64 | The Ethernet packet source MAC address (48 bit) |
ether_type | uint32 | The Ethernet packet packet type ID field (16 bit) |
Message containing the IP4 packet header
Name | Type | Description |
ether_id | bytes | The Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit) |
ip_src | uint32 | The IP4 packet source address (32 bit) |
ip_dst | uint32 | The IP4 packet dest address (32 bit) |
ip_hl | uint32 | The IP4 packet header length (8 bit) |
ip_v | uint32 | The IP4 packet version (8 bit) |
ip_tos | uint32 | The IP4 packet type of service (8 bit) |
ip_len | uint32 | The IP4 packet total length (16 bit) |
ip_id | uint32 | The IP4 packet identification (16 bit) |
ip_off | uint32 | The IP4 packet fragment offset field (16 bit) |
ip_ttl | uint32 | The IP4 packet time to live (8 bit) |
ip_p | uint32 | The IP4 packet protocol (8 bit) |
ip_sum | uint32 | The IP4 poacket checksum (16 bit) |
Message containing the IP6 packet header
Name | Type | Description |
ether_id | bytes | The Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit) |
ip6_un1_flow | uint32 | The IP6 packet 4 bits version, 8 bits TC, 20 bits flow-ID (32 bit) |
ip6_un1_plen | uint32 | The IP6 packet payload length (16 bit) |
ip6_un1_nxt | uint32 | The IP6 packet next header (8 bit) |
ip6_un1_hlim | uint32 | The IP6 packet hop limit (8 bit) |
ip6_un2_vfc | uint32 | The IP6 packet 4 bits version, top 4 bits tclass (8 bit) |
ip6_src | bytes | The IP6 packet source address (128 bit) |
ip6_dst | bytes | The IP6 packet destination address (128 bits) |
Message containing the ICMP4 packet header
Name | Type | Description |
ether_id | bytes | The Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit) |
type | uint32 | The ICMP4 packet message type (8 bit) |
code | uint32 | The ICMP4 packet type sub-code (8 bit) |
checksum | uint32 | The ICMP4 packet checksum (16 bit) |
gateway | uint32 | The ICMP4 packet gateway address (32 bit) |
Message containing the ICMP6 packet header
Name | Type | Description |
ether_id | bytes | The Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit) |
icmp6_type | uint32 | The ICMP6 packet type (8 bit) |
icmp6_code | uint32 | The ICMP6 packet code (8 bit) |
icmp6_chksum | uint32 | The ICMP6 packet checksum (16 bit) |
icmp6_un_data32 | uint32 | The ICMP6 packet type-specific (32 bit) |
Message containing the TCP packet header
Name | Type | Description |
ether_id | bytes | The Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit) |
source | uint32 | The TCP packet source port (16 bit) |
dest | uint32 | The TCP packet destination port (16 bit) |
seq | uint32 | The TCP packet seq flag (32 bit) |
ack_seq | uint32 | The TCP packet ack_seq flag (32 bit) |
res1 | uint32 | The TCP packet res1 flag (16 bit) |
doff | uint32 | The TCP packet doff flag (16 bit) |
fin | uint32 | The TCP packet fin flag (16 bit) |
syn | uint32 | The TCP packet syn flag (16 bit) |
rst | uint32 | The TCP packet rst flag (16 bit) |
psh | uint32 | The TCP packet psh flag (16 bit) |
ack | uint32 | The TCP packet ack flag (16 bit) |
urg | uint32 | The TCP packet urg flag (16 bit) |
window | uint32 | The TCP packet window (16 bit) |
check_p | uint32 | The TCP packet check (16 bit) |
urg_ptr | uint32 | The TCP packet urg_ptr (16 bit) |
Message containing the UDP packet header
Name | Type | Description |
ether_id | bytes | The Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit) |
source | uint32 | The UDP packet source port (16 bit) |
dest | uint32 | The UDP packet destination port (16 bit) |
len | uint32 | The UDP packet udp length (16 bit) |
check_p | uint32 | Packet udp checksum (16 bit) |
Message containing the mDNS packet header
Name | Type | Description |
ether_id | bytes | The Ethernet packet ID encoded as an UUID (128 bit) |
tid | uint32 | The mDNS packet transaction ID (16 bit) |
flags | uint32 | The mDNS packet flags (16 bit) |
nqueries | uint32 | The mDNS packet questions (16 bit) |
nanswers | uint32 | The mDNS packet answers (16 bit) |
nauth | uint32 | The mDNS packet authority PRs (16 bit) |
nother | uint32 | The mDNS packet other PRs (16 bit) |
qname | string | The mDNS packet question name (variable length string) |